"Hope... Dreams... Inspiration... Friendship... Fair Play... Joy in Effort... these are the words used to describe the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games inspire us. They bring people of all nations and cultures together. The Olympic Games are a showcase for the best in people: discipline, dedication, perserverance, teamwork, and mutual respect. The Olympic Games give us a glimpse of the way we want the world to be."
- Anne Warner Cribbs
BASOC President & CEO, Olympian 1960 Swimming
- - Twelve images were created
by twelve Bay Area designers to commemorate
the San Francisco Bay Area's Bid for the
2012 Olympic Games. The posters are available
as a series...Learn
- For a $125 contribution, you will receive
the following items:
BASOC logo pin
Invitations to special events
Monthly e-Newsletter
- -
For a contribution of $25, you will receive
a BASOC logo pin.

- $20 contribution
Become a Bridge Builder by joining this
grassroots effort. All Bridge Builders
will receive a NEW, hot off the press
bridge pin!
BASOC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, Tax ID Number 94-3052945.
To make your tax deductible contribution, please make checks payable to BASOC and mail to:
2479 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 703
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Thanks again for your commitment to bring the 2012 Olympic Games to the San Francisco Bay Area.