We're proud to include the following prominent Bay Area
business, sports and civic leaders as part of our Executive
Jack Bair - San Francisco Giants
George Broder -Broder and Associates
Rosie Casals - Tennis Legend
Anne Warner Cribbs - Anne Cribbs & Company, 1960 Olympian
Kristin Kasper Glickman
John Goldman
Phil Luecht - AON Insurance
Ray Purpur - Stanford University
Helen Mendel - All-Pro Promotions
Bill Schlough - San Francisco Giants
Rob Weikert - Nixon Peabody LLP
James Woolwine
Jim Wunderman - Bay Area Council
Melinda Yee Franklin - JPMorgan Chase
Greg Massialas - 1980, 84 and 88 Olympian Fencing, Olympic Fencing Coach 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020
Michael Sharf - Bridge Athletics
In Memoriam
Alan Elias