The Quicktime movies listed below show our proposed Olympic Village for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, please click on the links to view the files.
Introduction (Quicktime; 1.5 MB)
As you enter the San Francisco Bay Area from the south you see the venues of San Jose, Santa Clara, our Olympic Village in Mt. View, and then the new main stadium at Stanford University in Palo Alto. As you continue to head north towards San Francisco, you see San Mateo and over in the east bay the venue locations in Oakland and at the U.C. Berkeley campus in Berkeley. Finally you come to San Francisco and the famous Golden Gate Bridge.
Entrance (Quicktime; 1.9 MB)
Upon arrival at the village, you will be greeted with a spectacular plaza and landmark building treatment leading the way into the international zone. Contained within the distinctive multistory buildings at the entry will be the required ground floor areas for protocol offices, accreditation information, ticketing as well as service oriented retail uses such as florist, photo shop, post office and so on. Conveniently located adjacent to the International Zone are the logistics center as well as the transport mall and parking. The building forms of the International Zone are designed to provide a dramatic entry as well as to provide maximum space for required IOC functions. Besides having ground floor retail/office space, these buildings will have subterranean parking garages that can accommodate additional storage area, office space or other unforeseen needs. In addition, residential units located outside the residential zone will be provided in the multi-story portions of the buildings, allowing for additional housing for NOC officials and other necessary village support staff.
Plaza (Quicktime; 2.3 MB)
Based on the athletes input we revised our plan and now envision two intimate plazas. Utilizing the ground floor areas of a few residential buildings allows for the creation of some storefront uses that open directly onto a fully developed casual dining plaza. Anticipated uses in the plazas are casual café food service, fruit and juice bar and outdoor coffee café. Each of these plaza's are roughly one acre in size and would not include any live entertainment or late night activity so as to not conflict with the adjacent residential zones.
Theater (Quicktime; 309 KB)
Once you have passed through the International Zone, you reach the amphitheater, which will provide the ceremonial welcoming function area as well as the casual nightly entertainment venue for residents. The dramatic amphitheater will lead to the Village plaza in which the sports information center, chefs hall, NOC service center, etc. are provided. Both the international zone and village plaza are strategically located on the edge but central to the surrounding residential zone, thereby creating convenient athlete access but minimal impacts on the residential zone.
Village (Quicktime; 2.4 MB)
The layout of the residential zone will have a very well organized and pleasant streetscape with the various housing types coexisting side by side. This street walk shows how pleasant and user friendly the village will be. The multiple building types or pods make for natural designated country by country housing, all of which will ultimately share common open areas, landscaped walkways and streets, and although we have not determined the exact architectural theme to the village, one can see how the scale, form and function of this neighborhood walk will appear upon completion.
Conclusion (Quicktime; 997 KB)

Olympic Village
