BASOC's success thus far would not have been possible without the support of local residents, athletes, organizations, businesses and officials.
Click on the newsletter link below to read about the people and businesses behind the bid, BASOC's progress, upcoming events and more!
December 2001 eNews
Upcoming Events, Event Recaps, Olympic Icon - Alex Tarics, Volunteer Extraordinaire - Mark Jordan, Company Focus - Greater Bay Bancorp, BASOC Superstar - Elizabeth Faletti
November 2001 eNews
Upcoming Events, For Kids Only, Olympic Icon - Brandi Chastain, Volunteer Extraordinaire - Andy Burke, Company Focus - Providian Financial, BASOC Superstar - Greg Schaffer
October 2001 eNews
Upcoming Events, Event Recaps, Olympic Icon - Starr Walton Hurley, Sport Spotlight - Triathlon, Volunteer Extraordinaire - Duncan Matteson, Company Focus - Ketchum, BASOC Superstar - Helen Mendel
September 2001 eNews
Upcoming Events, Event Recaps, BASOC Olympian of the Month - Barbra Higgins, Venue/Event of the Month - Cycling (Road), Volunteer of the Month - Rob Weikert, Company of the Month - Tribal DDB and...
August 2001 eNews
Upcoming Events, Event Recaps, BASOC Olympian of the Month - Marilyn King, Venue of the Month - George F. Haines International Swim Center, Volunteer of the Month - Chief Burnham Matthews, Company of the...
Current Newsletters