The Great BASOC Garage Sale
PALO ALTO, CA : November 11-16, 2002: Throughout this special closing sale,
BASOC invites all supporters to stop by
the Palo Alto Office to discuss and maybe
even record their favorite memories from
the bid process... |
Area 2012 Bid Supporters, Olympians to gather
Saturday for USOC Announcement
SF BAY AREA, CA : The San Francisco Bay Area
Counts Down to USOC 2012 U.S. Candidate Decision
on Saturday as Olympians, volunteers and supporters
rally all around the Bay Area... |
Francisco touts diversity, beauty, existing facilities.
PALO ALTO, CA : Towering redwoods and the
fog-shrouded Golden Gate Bridge provide the scenic
backdrop. The surrounding Silicon Valley contributes
the economic vitality... |
Area CEOs bolster Olympic bid.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA. - - Big names could sway
site selectors and drive fund raising. The Bay
Area Sports Organizing Committee has signed a
team of high-powered CEOs to chair its corporate
council, a move that could translate into a well-financed
Olympic bid... |